Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fridays Test

Test Five

1.  ON a film set, who calls action?
2.  What is a call sheet?
3.  What are circle takes and who is drawing the circles?
4.  What is one thing you should do when filming outdoors in the heat and sun?
5.  How can you stay safe when working at night?
6.  Name the four sides of a reflector:
7.  Reflectors are called what in film?
8.  Why are grips called grips?
9.  What are three things you can find in a grip truck?
10.                What does the term “Swing Grip/Electric” mean?
11.                What is the MAIN job of a Second AC?
12.                How many weeks are there in Pre Production?
13.                What does the 1st AD do?
14.                When is the sun highest in the sky?

1.  What movie was Sarah Jones working on when she got hit by a train?

2.  Name one song by the Allman Brothers Band

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