Monday, April 15, 2013



Here is the second part of Robert Rodriguez's Ten Minute Film School. Please watch and comment below on how he has changed the face of independent filmmaking.


  1. I think Robert Rodriguez definitely made it easier for independent filmakers. He proved that you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a movie.

  2. As I said before, Robert made it so much easier and less expensive for independent filmmakers. He teaches everyone that you don't need all of this money to shoot a film, you can just do it in your backyard with a few toys and make a hit off the spot. Robert definitely shows how much easier filmmaking can be. Spending tons of money can be stressful and hard when you may not even make any money off of it. Robert shows some short cuts and directs you in the right path through his videos.

  3. I think Robert Rodriguez's way of effects is not only the cheapest but also the smart and easy way to special effects. He is one smart guy.

  4. Robert is a man who can do what ever he sets his mind to. he had little money and turned it into something so much more! A dollar to a cent, you can complete your goal and live a life of fullness.

  5. I feel compelled to point out that this man is a film genius. With this kind of creativity; almost any one can make a movie. I look forward to trying some of these techniques.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This video clearly shows that you can do a lot with only a little bit of money, with Robert Rodriguez as the prime example. He has provided others that there are no limitations in what you can do in the film industry. Furthermore, I believe he has given many aspiring film-makers a stronger sense of security with the career path they have chosen, since he himself has come so far.

  8. He Proves That Just Because You Don't Have a Lot Of Money Doesn't Mean You Cant Shoot A Really Good Movie. A Little Can Go A Long Way.

  9. interesting now i know how to film a shoot scene without actually shooting the actors. And many ways to avoid situations while filming.

  10. I like his shooting. He does it with such passion. I think im gonna start using some of the skills

  11. Robert Rodriguez is really creative and that's a really good thing. I hate seeing bland strategies used over and over, so he is a good example of why there should be more people like him in the film world.

  12. I would agree with Cheyenne. Anyone can pull off a good movie and still save some money. All you really need is motivation and creativity.

  13. These people stole my thoughts but i agree with them all. All it takes is a little motivation !!

    XOXO , Angelina

  14. independent films can be hard doing it all on your own takes a lot of time.
    you need to be really motivated to do something like that & you need the creativity , & just have to put your mind to it .

  15. Robert Rodriguez's way is more better I think, because sometimes people would by some expensive equipment for films, but he did the filming of the sets in a different way. It looks like a great idea.

  16. this video was pretty cool i think Robert Rodriguez is a genius after watching this short little video. I think my favorite part of the video is when he told he faked the guitar case cause when he showed the movie footage I didn't notice anything it was #PrettySweet. I got a good idea lets just sell our extra cameras our arri lights and all other film related things (minus 5Ds) and take all the money go to a foreign country and make our own movie if Robert Rodriguez did it i'm sure we can ...( not ) but we will TRY!
    iN CONCLUSION Robert is very smart he knows his stuff and it all paid off (HES RICH!!!)

  17. This is really interesting. He very simply solved problems that I probably would never have thought of ways to. In this industry, being innovative is a must! His dyi way of filming is really cool to look at and great to learn from. Hopefully, we'll be able to remember his tips if we ever need them in film club.
